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Tribal Linkshell - Bismarck Endgame LS FFXI

3 posters

    Legendhealerr App


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2011-09-17
    Age : 38

    Legendhealerr App Empty Legendhealerr App

    Post  Legend Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:13 pm

    1. What is your in-game player name?
    2. Are you registered, or willing to register, on
    Yes, and usually updated
    3. What are your level 90+ Jobs? Which of those jobs, do you considered your best geared or your "main" jobs?
    MNK,RNG,COR,THF,DNC,NIN,BRD,BLM,RDM,WHM :consider main jobs- Mnk,Rng,Thf,Cor,Whm. Also have 4 90 emps: H2H,DAGGER,GUN,BOW 85:KATANA
    4. Do you know anyone in the shell? Did anyone in the shell refer you?
    Altar is one of my best friends in-game/RL
    5. What do you hope to obtain through us?
    Not needing much in gear, pretty much have everything up to date or nearly. Looking to have fun, and run with a smart LS with veteran players.
    6. Aside from events, what are your other major playing times? (This is incase we decided to add future events, or we attempt to do something as a group in off time.) Usually can play nearly any day from 6 p.m. est until 1-2 a.m est

    7. What other Linkshells's have you been in? (Please limit this question to true endgame shells!)
    8. Any questions for us?
    Do you enjoy watching Altar swing his GA in such a girlie way? I tell him even taru's can do it 1 handed. ^^
    9. Do you want to huggle and squeeze a tarutaru every night?[b] of course i do. But im biased when it comes to taru's QQ

    Posts : 402
    Join date : 2009-01-13
    Age : 34
    Location : Lincoln, NE

    Legendhealerr App Empty Re: Legendhealerr App

    Post  Kyokaku Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:44 pm


    Let me get you a pearl tonight :p

    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2010-10-03

    Legendhealerr App Empty Re: Legendhealerr App

    Post  Elanabelle Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:17 pm

    Legend is a quality player with lots of endgame experience and a generally positive and fun attitude. He plays a very solid WHM, in my opinion, and also does very well as BLM (and probably a few other jobs too!)

    A great addition to the group.

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